DC18 Quartz, Hubeite on Apophyllite
Fengjiashan Mine (Daye copper mine), Daye Co., Huangshi Pref., Hubei Prov., China
6.2x 5.0x 3.9 cm

Hubeite is a rare silicate of calcium, manganese and iron discovered around 2001.  This species is only known from the type location.

This is a particularly rich specimen, with small brown rosettes richly scattered on a matrix of quartz and tabular apophyllite crystals.  There is one bit of damage on the matrix, but the point here is the large amount of hubeite.

This specimen is at least several years old, this material is not being found in this quality any more.  You will probably recall that his is the same location responsible for the inesites, chalotrichites, and amethyst specimens a few years back.

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