These cuprites have been around for the last three years, more or less, but the prices have been very, very high.
While the price has temporarily dipped low enough for me to be able to offer them (relatively) cheaply, it is worth noting that mining operations have passed through the zone where these cuprites occur, and they are no longer being found. The market was temporarily flooded, but as I have learned from repeated experience with the various Chinese mineral floods, these pieces WILL disappear from the market.
For the species, this find should certainly be considered world class, at least as far as crystal size is concerned. There are only a few localities that produced comparably sized pieces (albeit with better color), in all cases long ago. In all of those cases, the prices also seldom now dip below a few thousand dollars.
This is a decently sized crystal from the find-- it is not a complete octahedron (the pictures are all of the top) but it is not broken, and there is actually a small silver leaf on the bottom.